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Where to Find the Most Adorable British Shorthair Kittens Near You


The nature of the British cat

The habits of a British cat can surprise the owner. It is advisable to prepare, as well as learn about the behavior of this exotic breed:

1. The British are a traditional nation with a special mentality and culture. These are gentlemen and ladies, with traits in character that the inhabitants of Great Britain have.

2. They have an amazing sense of pride, confidence, independence. Self-sufficiency can be traced in character, behavior.

3. The cat will not meow loudly or plaintively ask for food. She knows how to stay at home alone. She even likes it. Behaves well alone, there will be no torn sofas. Upon the pet parent returning home from work, the cat may grunt slightly, but will not meow.

4. Pets love to play. But they do not always need the attention of the family. If they are in the mood for activity, games, they will find you and bring a toy.

5. It is considered a good companion for pet parents, despite its independent nature.

6. The character is characterized by endless devotion to the pet parent. But cats are cautious about strangers, keep their distance, the British try to hide from them.

7. Other pets are wary, meet them "with hostility".

History of the breed

British cats are a traditional English breed, the pride of Great Britain. However, the history of the appearance of this breed is still unknown.

According to one version, these cats came to England more than 2000 years ago with Roman legionnaires, according to another, they arrived as ship cats on the ships of France. Whichever one turned out to be true, these pets quickly took root and gained popularity among the British.

For a long time they existed as simple domestic cats, until in the 19th century breeders began to conduct breeding work, the purpose of which was to breed a separate breed. Their ancestors lived on the streets of the city. Now this breed is one of the most popular.

The discoverer of the breed is Harrison Vier. He is the first professional breeder of these cats. In the 19th century, he collected and systematized the rules for the cat show in Great Britain. Vier transformed this breed from a street cat with the help of a breeding program and called it British.

Over time, these pets were assigned to world registries. Previously, the breed was known as the British Blue. But there are many shades of wool of these pets, so they began to call it simply British.

British cats are a traditional English breed, the pride of Great Britain. However, the history of the appearance of this breed is still unknown.

According to one version, these cats came to England more than 2000 years ago with Roman legionnaires, according to another, they arrived as ship cats on the ships of France. Whichever one turned out to be true, these pets quickly took root and gained popularity among the British.

For a long time they existed as simple domestic cats, until in the 19th century breeders began to conduct breeding work, the purpose of which was to breed a separate breed. Their ancestors lived on the streets of the city. Now this breed is one of the most popular.

The discoverer of the breed is Harrison Vier. He is the first professional breeder of these cats. In the 19th century, he collected and systematized the rules for the cat show in Great Britain. Vier transformed this breed from a street cat with the help of a breeding program and called it British.

Over time, these pets were assigned to world registries. Previously, the breed was known as the British Blue. But there are many shades of wool of these pets, so they began to call it simply British.


1. Weight - more than 5-6 kg.

2. The coat is dense, thick, short to long, the hair is straight, shiny, with a well-developed undercoat. Color: white, blue, black, cream, red, brown, silver, beige, blue cream, tortoiseshell, striped tricolor, smoky, with a smooth color transition. For the long-haired variety, all colors are acceptable, except white and color-point. The tendency to shedding is moderate, there is a need for grooming.

3. Eye color - blue, copper, golden, multi-eyed.

4. Life expectancy is 8-14 years.

5. Признание ассоциациями заводчиков – CFA, ACFA , FIFe, TICA.

6. Prevalence is average.

7. Physique - large or medium. These cats have developed muscles. Also, the British have a massive backbone, which gives them a "chubby" look. Strong jaws, large muzzle. The paws are powerful, thick.



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